Eng 1050
research exercise #2
topic choice: over crowded prisons
Works Cited - article one
Brett, Collins. "Prisons overflowing." AAP General News Wire. Sydney: Jan 28, 2005. pg 1
document URL: http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=837418021&sid=2&Fmt=3&clientld=32427&RQT=309&VName=PQD
the prisons and jails in Australia are operating at 108 percent over capacity. the over crowding is having a huge affect on the mental health of the prisoners. the prisoners feel that they have no alone time and therefore it is affecting their lives in a negative way. it also has an affect on the pubic when the prisoner is released. the prisoners are complaining because they dont get to choose who their roommates are.
this article describes the overcrowding of australias prisons and the affects that is has on the mental health of the prisoners. i feel that prisoners have lost the right to decide where and who they room with. by committing crimes and ruining peoples lives i feel that they shouldnt have any rights at all. they have lost that ability to decide for themselves what is best.
final topic choice
i have chosen to make my final topic about alternate choices to house prisoners. my paper will consist of different ideas in which to house, control, and manage prisoners. it will also include opinions from people who believe prisoners should have more rights than they do now and that any other plans to change the way prisoners are dealt with is unconstitutional and e-moral.
1 comment:
You're still lacking the paraphrase portion.
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