Wednesday, February 6, 2008

essay reading page 582

i read the first essay on page 582. the title is called Just be nice

a clear and arguable position: i don't think he had a clear and arguable position because half way through reading the essay he started talking about something totally different than what was his thesis statement. 

necessary background information: he had lots of good information but it wasn't keeping with his thesis. his essay in my opinion was all over the place. 

good reasons: he might have had a lot of good reasons, but what are good reasons with out something to reason with. 

convincing support for each reason: i dont believe he had convincing support for his reasons. he lost my interest halfway into the essay. 

appeals to readers values: he didnt appeal to my values because he didnt structure his essay good enough. it is very hard for me to fallow a essay when it is all over the place with conflicting information. 

a trustworthy tone: i didnt think he had a trust worthy tone. he didnt keep my interest and even if what he was saying was valid and would benefit my values, the way he set up his essay, i would not have supported him. 

careful consideration of other positions: he tried to be considerate and did a good job at doing so. he made a point of including both arguments and i think he did a good job on this portion. 

1 comment:

smiley22 said...

i really liked on how you took each important proposition towards writing an effective argument paper and took each proposition and related to the essay that you read. It gives me clear indication that you're focused on doing the correct things for your own paper.