Thursday, February 7, 2008

project proposal

my paper will be on the over crowding of prison systems and how new ideas might be able to help our country deal with the growing number of inmates. i will start off the paper by suppling the reader with vital information about how crowded the prisons actually are and what we are doing about it today. then i will go into alternate ideas about how to deal with the growing numbers. the argument side will come from the idea that because these people have chosen to do what they did they have lost most of the rights that we as citizens have. the inmates are in affect, property of the government, therefore if the government wants to put the inmates in tents outside or send them to different countries to due their time, the inmates have no say in the matter. my paper will be truthful, shocking, and eye opening to the growing problem of an out of control prison population. 


Andrea Stemaly said...

You begin your paragraph with more of an infomative tone, so be sure you're arguing for one side of this issue. Also, what about clear counterarguments? And how long has this been occuring? Why is it such a large problem? You need to address some of the history to present to the audience before you begin arguing.

428thMP said...

Hey Nate, yea I like your topic but it seems like your going to get a lot of people who oppose, I mean you didn't mention ne counter arguments, I would say that if they want to not make it so crowded just build more prisons, it wil increase security jobs, and the old guys die to, but not fast enough to keep the population even, and also maybe more states should start agreeing with the death penalty, the tent thing, is that true? well ne way, how u doin with the other hw? I did the chap 4 paper for crim just, i just gotta do soc now, but as far as this research paper goes, I'm lost in the sauce... see ya lata