Thursday, February 14, 2008

interested subcultures

the two subcultures i am interested in writing about would be:
1) gangs 
-what is the attraction for youth to join them? 
-even thought they know the risks why do they still join? 
-what is the gangs appeal? 
-what is the meaning of the "sign's" they use with their hands? 
-the reasons behind the colors and the way they dress? 
2) goths 
-what is the appeal to wearing all black and listening to a certain kind of music? 
-what do they do for entertainment? 
-how do they feel about what people think about them? 
-are they angry? 


Monta said...

These sound like some really good topics. I am really interested in topic number one, and I like the comments you made about it. I think this would make a really good paper.

Andrea Stemaly said...

Both of these would work well!