Wednesday, March 12, 2008

something about something on class

my mind is some where else and i am finding it very hard to concentrate on the homework at hand. it is so hard to concentrate on something that doesn't mean anything to you. i find myself replaying family guy episodes in my head instead of actually remembering the material i am supposed to be reading. i will start to read the article/story and by the time i have gotten to the bottom of the page i have no idea what i have read. it might be A.D.D it might be something else. 

i read both of the articles, "What is an academic paper" and "How to write consistently boring literature" and i can honestly say i have no idea what they are about except that when you write an academic paper it is for academic peers to read and it should be read by the academic community and discussed. the audience is for people in the academic field. 

1) hillary Clinton was very funny and witty on her response. 
2) it is a comical reaction. 


smiley22 said...

I would have to agree with ya. There were so many assignments this week and i have been having trouble maintaiinng my focus. But with the two papers we were supposed read, how would you classify theeem on terms of analyses like how were certain ideas incorrect or incorrect. Like how was the second reading so the opposite of what we are supposed to do in terms of our audience and how to write the paper and such

Andrea Stemaly said...

It sounds like you're ready for summer break!
Keeping with the analysis, why not analyze Family Guy? You could do one show in particular or even themes presentend in the series. Just an idea....but if that's all that's coming to mind anyway, why not run with it??