a) should the death penalty be issued to life sentences through out the country to keep down the rising inmate population.
b) what is the price difference between capital punishment, and a lifetime behind bars.
c) is the possibility of death a deterrent against crime.
2) searches and seizures conducted by law enforcement
a) should warrant-less searches and seizures be permissible in court if they produce convicting evidence.
b) is it a violation of your civil rights to be searched for the safety of other civilians
c) if you have nothing to hide, then why complain about something that would ensure your safety.
3) are we moving to fast in the face of technology
a) is the rapid change of the weather cycle due to the advancements in technology
b) is technology a useful tool, or a weapon for destruction
c) was the earth made for such complex machines and devices.
d) is the era of technology going to be a tool for the evolution of mankind. (example: the wheel for cavemen)
Wow, you have good ideas, the last one is interesting, I sometimes wish everything could stay simple. The death penalty I think should be allowed everywhere but not given unless necessary and under the right circumstances, but I think thatg should be a possible consequence. The search a seizure thing, that's a tough argument b/c there's circumstances there to, an officer can ask to serch and you can say no buit if he/she has probable cause or reasonable suspicion he can do it. They need a warrant unless they actually see evidence, it's not black and white b/c there are so many diferent senarios, I personally think it doesn't violate safety and if you have nothing to hide you wouldn't have a problem with a search. I think you should use this topic and maybe change the argument up a lil bit and go ask actual police officers. Good Job man, c ya later
These are some pretty good argumentive topics. I espically like the last one, because it's something that has been on my mind. Which ever one you choose for your paper I'm sure you'll do a great job because these topics are wonderful.
While I agree with these comments that the third idea is interesting, it's very broad, and I think it would be nearly impossible to adequately present it in the length of paper that you're writing. The first one, however, may be more feasible.
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